Ambientation Introduction
it is possible to analyse FPS & TPS through various dimensions,Â
(Mobility - Gameplay Style - Interactions - Arsenal) I decided to add the dimension of ambientation. Â
The Ambientation plays an important role, both in FPS and TPS.
Ambientation - FPS
In FPSs, the character will have the eyes of the player and therefore it will be as if the player is inside the world and for this reason the game must have a properly made ambientation that will increase the experience and also help the gameplay.

Crysis 3
Melee attack.
Violation of enemy turrets.
Double jump.
Night vision.
Reduce to 2 equipped weapons.

Crysis 3

Ambientation - TPS
In TPS, the ambience will have a greater value, since the player will not see from the character's eyes, but it is as if there is another invisible character and therefore he will have a wider view, which will make it easier to immerse himself in the surrounding world.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint

What helps a scenario to work
Well-done graphics.
Consistency with the world and the story. If the story is set in a forest, then the player expects to encounter wild animals.
Interaction with the world, such as felling trees or spreading a fire.
Insert anything that is consistent with the world.
Create your own physics or give the game a good dose of realism.
Realism can certainly help the game setting but it is a double-edged sword, inserting too much realism can get in the way of gameplay and frustrate the player.